Can't argue with that

ESPN: Ever Google yourself?
Bryant: "No. Why? I know everything there is to know about me."

This whole interview with Kobe Bryant is pretty awesome, and I'm not even a huge basketball or LA Lakers fan. It's just that 17 years into his pro career he seems to have settled into being totally honest about his talent (and his corresponding huge ego) which I think always makes for a fun read.

"You've got to grab it."

"It was about taking a risk and realizing in my twenties that: Who cares? Who cares if I end up a failure? One should accept failure. 

I was unfortunate, and very fortunate, that there were some terrible things I lived through. Obviously we had 9/11, but in a year I had three very close friends that passed away, I had my mom who was battling cancer again. 

...At a certain point I realized that no one is going to be here. No one is going to spoon-feed you anymore. No one is going to teach you anything. You've got to grab it."

--David Chang, the now 34-year-old founder of the immensely successful Momofuku restaurant group on why he initially decided to open his first restaurant in Manhattan. From a very interesting video interview (found via the blog.)

Image of David Chang via Esquire Magazine

Moments of awesomeness

“I feel like I got a winning lottery ticket in my life and the rug could be pulled out from under me at any time,” Ms. Zuckerberg said. “I am going to appreciate every last moment of awesomeness I can get.”

The profile of Randi Zuckerberg (sister of Facebook founder Mark) in this week's New York Times was not exactly endearing -- I thought she came across as a bit over-the-top ridiculous, which could very well be due to how the piece was written and edited. But I do completely agree with her closing sentiment.

We may not all be as financially blessed as Ms. Z, but relatively, most of us have it pretty darn good -- and we could all stand to embrace the awesomeness available to us more fully.

Connecting the dots

"If you try to connect the dots of your career, if you mess it up, 
you're going to wind up on a very limited path. If I decided what I was going to do in college -- when there was no Internet, no Google, no Facebook... I don't want to make that mistake. The reason I don't have a plan is because if I have a plan I'm limited to today's options."

--Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, from the truly fantastic profile of her in next week's New Yorker

I was so impressed with Sheryl Sandberg when I saw her in April on this panel about Women in Tech, which I maintain is the best panel I've seen at a conference ever (and I've seen a lot of them.) Both the article and the panel are highly recommended -- whether you're a woman, in the tech industry, both, or neither.